New White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci said in his first interview since being announced to his new role that he hoped to “refine” the White House’s message going forward.

Scaramucci made his comments on Breitbart News’ SiriusXM program, “Breitbart News Saturday.”

He touched on a frequent criticism President Donald Trump makes towards the news media, which he often refers to as “fake news.”

“The good news is that we’ve diagnosed the problem,” Scaramucci told host Matt Boyle, Breitbart’s political editor. He tipped his hat to Breitbart as well, saying that the outlet had “been a great help in terms of exposure.”

Breitbart has consistently endorsed Trump since he announced his candidacy for president in 2015, and the outlet is known to run coverage that heavily favors the president while sharply criticizing his detractors.

Elaborating on how he hoped to refine the White House's message, Scaramucci said that "we have enough outlets, whether it's Breitbart, the president's social media feed, all of the different apparatus that we have where people will allow us to deliver our message to the American people unfiltered."

Scaramucci added that he wanted to penetrate through what he saw as "media bias" against Trump. "Because you can look at it objectively, frankly, and see that it isn't fair right now," he said.

Scaramucci was announced as the new White House communications director on Friday. That same day, White House press secretary Sean Spicer tendered his resignation, and multiple media reports said he did so in protest of Scaramucci's hiring.